Feedback Blog

I really liked this digital design II class. It made me think with my creative side I didn’t know I had. I learned a lot on how to use computers and their programs. I enjoyed this class and would highly reccomend it to other kids. I think entering the course I was anticipating on making really cool movie poster and projects I could relate to, and that’s exactly what this course was about. I experienced what I wanted and I was glad. I would have to say I liked both formats of the course. In the beginning the more direct course helped get me started on the basics and gave me a feel of what I was going to be doing more independently. So with the self-guided format it was much easier to follow and work with. I could do what I wanted and the options were endless. I also new how to use the tools and programs much better because of the direct format. The only problem I had was with the self-guided format because it was hard for me to keep up with two turorial updates every other week. Sometimes the tutorials weren’t very good ones and I couldn’t finish them so I didn’t complete the updates. Also it was dificult remebering which week the tutorial updates were due and which week the project updates were due. I would rate my instuctor on a scale of 1-10 and 9.5. Nobody is perfect so I didn’t rate a complete ten, but my instructor did a very good job at directing the kids on what was going on and what we had to do. He showed us the basics first and then once we got a feel for that he let us go on independentlly, which I liked a lot. He really brought out our creative side I thought. I wouldn’t really change anything about the course and I would certainly take this course a second time. I have all these new projects I’ve already  been thinking about doing!

Egg Tutorial

Egg Tutorial

I did this tutorial really fast in photoshop. It’s probably one of the easiest photo effects to do. I picked to bring out the color of the eggs in the picture and left everything else black and white.

Flower illustration

Flower illustration

I’m attempting to do this flower illustration obviously in illustrator. It’s not done quite yet, but hopefully it comes along a lot better once I get the shadows in.

New York City Text

New York City Text

I like doing text effects, especially in photoshop. They are quick and easy and I think they come out nicely. The tutorial used Hawaii but I decided to do a text with New York City because I like the city.

Nail Polish Bottle

Nail Polish Bottle

I illustrated a nail polish bottle in illustrator. There was supposed to be a pink bottle as well, but I couldn’t get the gradient to turn out right.



This was a really fun and easy tutorial to do in photoshop and it came out pretty nice. I’m going to be using this as my idea for the elementary menu poster.



None of the tutorials I have tried doing came out right. It’s frustrating and it takes up my time. I’ve started new ones without finishing ones in the making plenty of times.